The other night I watched America’s Got Talent. On the show of Champions was a man from
Europe who was a comedian. He was funny. I laughed. His stage name is “Lost Voice Guy”. He
is a comedian who cannot talk. He has some type of disability that prevents him from speaking.
He uses a computer to speak his jokes. Is his life viable? What is life worth? Before I was
conceived, God knew me, we are told by the Psalmist. Life has value, not because of what it can
do, but because it is. Life has value not because we the people deem someone valuable, but
because life is valuable. The one living the life is not what determines its value, the simple fact
of life makes life valuable. A criminal’s life is not less valuable than a saint. What one does with
life is not what determines value, it is that it exists that determines life’s value. Abortion, by its
very essence, de-values life because it does not consider that life is valuable by is very existence.
We should never celebrate the loss of life. Life is a miracle, created and formed by God. We
should treasure it, not celebrate its destruction.