I find myself in the same position as Jussie Smollett. I want people to notice me. I want people to value me and give me all that is due one of such position. I am not going to stage a mugging to accomplish it, but I wonder if I don’t do other things just as deceptive? Here is the message that I have learned and that I must keep learning, and the message I hope you learn by reading this: my eternal value is not determined by who I am, but by whose I am. I must remind myself that I am created in the image of God and that only He gives me value. I have learned that being a child of God, because of my faith in Jesus Christ, I have value. My value is not contingent on what I do, how much I have or what others think of me. My value is based on a simple truth; I am a child of God and He loves me for who He created me to be and not what I can do for Him. If I could, I would like to help Jussie learn the lesson I learned; God is the Author of my life and my value. I do not find my worth in what my wife, children or employers think of me. I find my value in knowing that I am loved by an infinite God and I rest in the assurance that I belong to Him and He belongs to me.