Children's Ministry

Your children are important to us.  We want them to find a place where they can meet God and learn His truth.  Whether it is through our Sunday School program, Jr. Church program or Vacation Bible School, we want your children to find Jesus.  Because we care deeply about them we offer quality teachers, safe environments and plenty of love.  As part of the church, our Pastor is their Pastor and he values them and wants to know them.


During the months of October through April, Wednesday nights we have an AWANA program designed specifically for 3 year olds through 6th graders.  This popular program offers music, games, Bible lessons and Bible memorization.  The kids love it and the teachers love it more.  Bring them by some Wednesday and plan on bringing them back because they will want to return.

Men's Ministry

Once a month we gather for breakfast and prayer.  This typically happens on the second Saturday of each month.  The food is hot, the fellowship is warm and the friendships are eternal.  We also have work days, retreats and lots of stories about the buck that got away.  Come join the group and share your story.

men ministries

McBain Baptist church located in McBain, MI 49657 offers spiritual guidance and communion for the community

Women's Ministry

Every Tuesday morning a group of women gather together to quilt, eat, laugh and learn. It does not matter your skill level, come and learn and get connected with the church. Thursday morning we have a time of Bible study and prayer. There are also other avenues to find connection at the church through retreats, activities, helping and creating.

S.W.AG.(Students Walking according to God)

Wednesdays during the months of October through April we run a Middle School program for 6th through 8th graders. We spend time learning and then playing. It is filled with laughter, learning and loving. Beyond the Wednesday nights, we have all types of other activities for them including, ball games, paintball, amusement parks, cook-outs, camp and soon a mission trip.

McBain Baptist church located in McBain, MI 49657 offers spiritual guidance and communion for the community



We value missions at McBain Baptist.  We support several missionaries all over the world.  We work hard at keeping the church up to date with the latest needs and they come to visit on a regular basis.  We participate in other ministries as well, Operation Christmas Child, AWANA, Right to Life and learning how to respond to the Persecuted Church.  We take seriously the command to make disciples in the whole world.